So what precisely is a movie? Well a film or motion picture is once again a story told with moving images, thus the term movement picture applies to films. This is accomplished by capturing photographic images with video cameras. The majority of us would have used a cam to capture images in our everyday life. It's the same thing. The only distincti… Read More

What a way to spend a Saturday afternoon - the household is over, you're having a cookout and you choose you wish to watch those old household movies with them. Valued memories that everybody desires to see including the kids who wish to see what you resembled when you were younger.If you resemble most Americans, you would much rather pay cents on … Read More

A large part of film school is the experience of actually making films, these are aptly named "student movies." A lot of film schools require everyone to make numerous student movies throughout their core curriculum. The sort of film and length might vary depending upon the class, year of direction and professor. These student movies are your valua… Read More

In this film marketing guide What do you do if you have little or no budget to promote the film? Some case studies I'll be utilizing: The Blair Witch Project; Desperado (Robert Rodriguez -Sin City/Spy Kids) which are worth pointing out, and I'll talk about how you can utilize casting as a PR chance. I hope some of these ideas will assist, both up a… Read More